About the
Exempt Organizations
Committee Action Plan
The committee is one of the supporting committees of the Tax Division of the Society.
1. To develop formal educational programs for the Foundation for Accounting Education, so that committee members expertise can be disseminated to Society member's.
2. To maintain a member advisory, by answering response by committee inquiries from Society members.
3. Prepare and review articles on technical subjects related to the exempt organizations area for publication or reference by the Society
4. Review proposed legislation, regulations and compliance reporting the exempt organization field, so that the Society may make appropriate comment to federal and state tax policy makers.
5. Initiate the identification of emerging practice problems affecting the committee's activities and submit comments thereon.
6. Develop and maintain liaison between the Society and federal and state governmental Agencies.
7. Develop and maintain liaison with other related committees of the Society.
Other Objectives:
a. Assist all members in everyday practice.
b. Advance the prestige of CPAs in the eyes of the public and other professions.
c. Educate the membership through continuing education.