Attention FAE Customers:
Please be aware that NASBA credits are awarded based on whether the events are webcast or in-person, as well as on the number of CPE credits.
Please check the event registration page to see if NASBA credits are being awarded for the programs you select.

CPE Credits for the Accounting Subject Area

A Comprehensive Catalog for Accounting CPE Credit

The FAE CPE Store has an extensive library of conferences, seminars, webcasts, and on demand courses that will help you complete your accounting subject area CPE hours, for both the New York State Education Department (NYSED) and the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA).

Just a few of our Accounting CPE Courses include:

  • Sustainability Investment Leadership Conference - 8 Accounting (NYSED) / Accounting (NASBA) CPE credits
  • Latest Developments in Not-for-Profit Accounting and Auditing - 4 Accounting (NYSED) / Accounting (NASBA) credits, 4 Auditing (NYSED)/ Auditing (NASBA) credits
  • Government Accounting & Auditing Conference - 4 Accounting (NYSED) / Accounting (Governmental) (NASBA) credits, 3 Auditing (NYSED) / Auditing (Governmental) (NASBA) credits, 1 Ethics (NYSED) / Regulatory Ethics (NASBA) credit
  • Revenue Recognition: Mastering the New FASB Requirements - 8 Accounting (NYSED) / Accounting (NASBA) credits
  • Fair Value Measurement and how it relates to Employee Benefit Plans - 1 Accounting (NYSED) credit
  • GASB Update - 2 Accounting (NYSED) credits

About the Accounting CPE Subject Area:

This description is provided by the New York State Department of Education (NYSED).  To learn more, please visit:


Courses in this subject area focus on the development of professional knowledge and skills related to generally accepted accounting principles; comprehensive bases of accounting; and/or accounting processes and related financial reporting. Relevant subject matter includes authoritative pronouncements and accounting principles issued by the standard setting bodies as well as related subjects that are generally classified within the accounting discipline.

Individual programs in this subject area could cover newly promulgated financial reporting requirements/standards; accounting concepts and principles; preparation and compilation of financial statements; measurement; recognition and presentation of specific financial statement items; and internal controls for profit and nonprofit entities.


Looking for more?
Check out our CPE Conferences and Event Calendar.
Want to get these courses at the member price? Complete your member application today!
Learn more about Becoming a CPA in New York and CPE Requirements.
Attended a previous CPE course? Get your CPE Transcript.